If you've continued to read past the SuperTrip, it becomes pretty evident that I couldn't find my footing after the trip. I don't mean in life (well, of course, I mean in life, but not only in life), but here in the blog. I went from to posting about awesome sights and crazy side trips to getting political to becoming obsessed with Pinterest and trying to create a DIY blog. (For record, my mom is so NOT a fan of the DIY blogs.)
So where does that leave us?
I considered a name change. But "Nomad No More" was taken by a guy who hasn't written since 2005. bummer.
I considered shutting down this blog completely. Uh. no.
And then tonight, after months (and months and months) of consideration, it hit me: I'm still a nomad.
Though God has blessed me with an incredible city, an incredible apartment, an incredible job, and an incredible, incredible, incredible circle of friends, to the point that I feel stable, secure, and (though it makes this commitaphobe shiver a little) even settled, I've been realizing that my adventure isn't over.
God has an amazing sense of humor and timing.
Just when things were getting boring and routine, I got a phone call.
Long story very, very short: I now am the legal guardian of a 4 year old little boy until August 19th.
The words "boring," "routine," and even "dull" never get used around my charming apartment anymore. Instead I wake up and have no idea what is going to happen each day. And I LOVE it!
God is good.
The nomadic life returns.
This blog will continue to follow my nomadic journey, it just might be more kid centric for the next few months. :)
After all this world isn't my home anyway, I'm still just a traveler, stopping here and there, following my Leader doing what He tells me to do.