(that's right, they're air conditioned!)
Just look at this piece of deliciousness:

yum yum.
The sad thing is for dinner at the house I ate a hot dog. It wasn't very good and I ended up wanting something else. Who knew that would eating being another hot dog!
Fear not, that's not all I got though...

this is the crown jewel. The Shortberry Shortcake. a steal at $2.99. it's huge and just look at all that cream! This cannot be healthy at all.
Ah, Portillo's, I shall miss you.
In other news, I'm still exhausted. But instead of sleeping, I'm on my way to Indiana. Hooray! I ended up getting off work early. You should also know I had the van to the shop by 7:45 am and we still don't have it back. My boss moved the only piece of furniture that I hadn't completely cleared out (don't look in my bathroom right now!) and the chairs. Bye-bye deer chairs! I scored a new down couch for my room of 4 more days. I can't wait to actually sit in it.
Furthermore, I did not make it to Costco, Target, or even karate class. However, I definitely think I've found my replacement. She even speaks French and Sign Language! If I wasn't leaving, we'd probably be friends "for real life", as my boys say.
Well, it's been fun catching up but it's time to get back on the road now...
the nomad
PS. I'm sure this is gonna start a huge discussion but I'm asking everyone, I'm thinking of getting a SRL camera for the road trip. What do you suggest?
OK- I don't get it. I get that the hot dogs are fabulous and you'll miss them...but you got off a WEEK EARLY? You're heading to Indiana, but you didn't clean out one piece of furniture..and your boss moved it (where- somewhere else?) and the bathroom is not cleaned out and you're going to sit on the couch for the 4 remaining days, but you're on your way to Indiana? (again. I don't get it)
ReplyDeleteI spent a good year researching DSLR cameras and believe you can't go wrong with either a Nikon or Canon. It's not so much the body but the lenses are the key. Make sure you have a couple to get the shots you want.
ReplyDeleteAnd while megapixel is nice, don't let "bigger is better" be the determining factor. If I had a better lense on my iPhone, I could take fantastic pics.
Seriously... I know you probably won't agree... but why not borrow my SLR for the trip? Let me know what night you'll be at a hotel and I'll mail it to you. It's not that big of a deal to do so. This way you'll have a better idea of what you want or even if you want one.
Derek & Steve - thanks guys for the advice. I've gone ahead and made my purchase. Stay tuned for the big reveal :)
ReplyDeleteAunt Becky - Did you read the blog before this one? I didn't get off work a week early, I just came home for my last weekend to do finally prep: oil change, fix cig lighter, drop off everythign that's not going on the road trip... Before I left Chicago, I had to clean my room and clean out all of my drawers because my boss had decided to rearrange all of the house's furniture that day. The only pices I hadn't finished cleaning was the desk so I threw all that stuff in my bathroom to hide it. She took my desk, ottoman, and two chairs. I got a new desk with no drawers and a down couch instead. Hope that clears it all up. I'm headed back to Chicago in the morning to finish out my week.