So Friday night, post warning, I got home exhausted and still ended up talking to my mother until 2 in the morning. ugh! I love her, but she can talk!
Saturday I was off to a slower start that I was intending due to the large volume of people in our house. (My mom had neglected to read the email and 3 texts I had sent her confirming my weekend and had invited another family to spend the night too. At least, I ended up on the longer couch.) First thing I did, after leaving my mom's, was take my car for an oil change and basic fluid check. I also walked around WalMart comparing tent prices and picking up a few more essentials, though I keep forgetting laundry detergent.
After the first major fix was out of the way, I decided to visit my aunt and newborn cousin in the hospital. It was a fantastic afternoon. The baby is adorable. And spending time alone talking to my aunt was priceless. Only one problem. I don't know how to leave places. I ended up staying 4 hours! Great bonding time. Bad fixing car time.
By the time I'd left, the tire store had closed. I had wanted a rotation and possibly a new tire after learning at the oil change that one of my tires is at 4/32. yikes. But no, I missed that. Also because I was in Smalltown, Indiana it wasn't open the next day either. Nothing is open on Sunday.
Instead of tires I ended up heading to Best Buy. My mom met me there and we scoured the store looking for the perfect camera. It had been my intent to look around, try a few out, and then purchase one online. Instead I found one a really wanted, found out it was on sale (which ended that day), talked the saleslady into a slightly bigger discount ($23), and bought it.
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce my new....(drumroll, please)
Nikkon D3000

I also picked up a 55-200mm lens and a camera bag.
It is lovely. I can't get over the clarity. I can't wait to actually learn how to use it. You know, aside from the automatic button.
After that huge purchase, which felt like it cut me deep (I hate "impluse" buys. I wish the sale had lasted one more day), I went to Chili's with my mom and her friends. Yum.
The rest of Saturday night is kind of a blur. I think we spent most of it talking about the trip, gathering mom's personal trip items, and calling my sister to yell at her because she STILL hadn't decided if she was coming or not.
Sunday I woke up, after sleeping in a bed, and went to church. It's always nice to be back at my home church. I love it. love it. love it. Being with people who actually full like family is refreshing. People whose lives I've invested in and they've invested in mine. I simply love it. I am still loving our new minister. He is wonderful and really studies before he preaches. Though he is in my my mom's age range, he studied at a sister school to mine back in the day. I can't describe how great it is to be among like-minded people. After a year in the Chicago church scene, the only word I can find is "refreshing". I wish I could find a church like that up here. I know it's one of the reasons I still don't have roots in Chicago.
After church (we, true to form, were the last ones out), we headed to Long John Silver's, much to my mother's chagrin. Thankfully it wasn't up to her, my 2 year old "nephew" decided. I appreciated.
By the time we left, I was getting nervous. We still had things to buy and I STILL hadn't found anyone to fix my cigarette lighter. My mom, aka. Ms Fix-It, decided she could do it and headed off to Auto Zone. Leann and I and "nephew" headed to Meijer and then Walmart where I finally bought a 6 person tent.
We reconvened back home. It was there that the most devastating part of the entire weekend happened. Mom got to work on my cigarette lighter. She worked and worked to get it out. Finally, she was able to pull in the new one. Nothing happened. She decided to check the fuse, though my sister's exboyfriend, a mechanic, had told me he had checked it and it was not the problem. Guess what? It was the problem!!!! AGH! I have been living without the ability to charge my phone in my car for about a year because of his stupidity. Truthfully, I could have checked it. I've changed fuses before but silly me, I trusted the guy who fixes cars for a living. Ugh. I could punch him. Needless to say, it actually works now.
After that, I pretty much finished collecting stuff, solidified some more plans, ate dinner, and headed from my dads to sleep.
Thus concludes the final weekend. shoo... If you had read every word, you probably deserve a medal.
the nomad
The fuse... huh.