Saturday, September 18, 2010

I've hit a wall

Last night, I continued working on this trip. Actually, I bookmarked every WikiTravel page from here to there. Don't mock. I'm sure that counts as work. I love WikiTravel! I did actually read most of them too. I learned things such as there are no left turn in San Francisco and Four Corners is a fairly pointless stop (but I'm still doing it!).

During my information bingeing, I burned 7 cds for the road trip. I already owned most of these cds but they have either been broken or lost over the years. That still counts, right?

I also watched When Harry Met Sally and thought about crying.

This morning I woke up ready to work more instead I watch The Princess and The Frog. Oh, streaming Netflix, you get me every time...

So now what? Today had been the day I was going to go home, drop off everything I don't need, and have my car fixed. However, my sister broke up with my mechanic, I realized I may need the stuff I don't need for at least another week, and a high school friend I haven't seen in 6 years called to see if I want to hang out in Chicago. Super! I'll just go next week.

The friend called about an hour ago and had to back out. bummer.

So now I need to chart my next course of action... I'll re-read my list...
1. I could go shopping but it'd be cheaper in Indiana.
2. I can't really pack yet but maybe I could get started...hmm...sweaters...
3. Maybe I could go un-pack my car. Oh, yeah, it's raining...
4. oh Catie....
5. this one is out of my hands right now.
6. worked on that last night
7. Yes, this is what I should be working on. ugh. The not fun one...

Well, I'm off to clean. that's a lie. I wonder what else is playing on Netflix...


  1. Is it just me or does numbers 5, 6, and 7 not make any sense?

    Go and Watch IN A DAY on Netflix! Now! Screw cleaning, hehe :-D

  2. haha. I suppose they don't seem to make sense but I'm contrasting them against the original list for the first blog.

    And fear not, I'm not cleaning...I'm wasting a ton of money on itunes. eek.
