Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Couple of Days with Strangers

Hello Friends,

Please forgive my tardiness. The past two days have been filled with all kinds of adventures and no kinds of wifi.

Yesterday, Catie and Kelly joined the trip in Seattle. I drove over in the morning from DeerPark. Twas only a mere 5 hour drive. ugh. This is why the entire trip is not by myself. besides I get distracted too easily. :) "Does that say beware of rattlesnakes? sweet! I need a picture!"

Thankfully, our super kind hostess of the evening, Vic, was able to pick the girls (ladies? women?) up from the airport for me. We reunited in a fantastically, beautiful house right on Puget Sound (or as I call it "the Sound"). These wonderful people, who I had never met, were in their late 50s and had a wonderful black labrador, Jessie. She, the dog, was hands down the best part of Catie's trip so far. The lady of the house was my former college professor's wife's best friend in nursing school. It was a great, fun way to meet a safe new friend.

After reconnecting, we took Seattle by storm. We headed straight to Pike's Place and, after figuring out that Vic had left out an important street, made it without too much trouble. We sampled and then bought some wonderful Turkish Delight. (Strawberry! yum!) We tried to watch the fish mongers throw. We ate mini donuts. A bird attacked Catie's head. We walked around the entire place looking for deals. We got awesome parking (and Catie paid!) I took pictures, some standard, some "corny" (just wait til you see it!). We gazed at the ocean. When we were finished at Pike's Place, we headed to the Space Needle. We didn't go up. We decided it would be cool but not $18 a person cool. Leaving the Space Needle was probably the worst part. My Driod and Garmin kept trying to get me to turn where I wasn't allowed. ugh! technology...

When we got back to Vic's (Jessie's!), she had dinner for us. A "midwestern meal" as she called it. It was sweet. And though it was hamburgers in the land of seafood, it was free and QUITE delicious. Thick, juicy, perfectly browned hamburgers win every time. Why, yes, I am midwestern. Why do you ask?

After dinner, we just hung out and enjoyed The Office together at Catie's gentle insistence (it was the Sweeney Todd episode, after all). Then we all started to fade off and head to bed. The sleepiness is starting to catch up with me. I don't know if it's time change or the go-go-go attitude but I'm getting tired.

Anyway, we woke up today and, after a major setback of not being able to find my heart medicine (we finally did!), headed out toward Mt St Helens.

Mt St Helens is beautiful. However, there are a few things you should know:
1: It is a much, much longer than you would think.
2: If your gas tank is at a half a tank when you start, stop a fill up before heading up the mountain. There are no more gas stations and it is at least 60 miles.
3: There are bridges. You aren't a baby if you scream on the first one. especially if you are the driver. and someone tries to pass you. and you hate bridges anyway. not saying that happened but if it did, try not to scare your passengers too much
4: the roads are windy, don't worry about trying to hit 55 it won't happen. Because when it does, the sign will then read 25
5: it's better to let someone else drive.

Seriously, though, gorgeous views! Catie may have developed a photography complex. Poor girl had to shoot while I was driving. I may be a tad bossy about shots. maybe.

At the top of volcano, after you had parked your car and walked to the top and stayed away from migrating toads, they want you to pay $8 a person. We snuck away. silly rule.

So Kelly drove us down the mountain (way easier!) and into Portland, Oregon. Talk about your bridges!

Portland has been a lot of fun. Tonight we are staying with Nathan' best friend, Brent, and his wife, Martha. They have been showing us a good time. We started everything off with Thai food at a place called Jade. yum! It was Kelly's first Thai experience and I think it left her loving it like all the rest of us.

Everything there was perfect except a slightly problematic money situation. What situation you ask? Well...I left my debit card in the car. As I started back for it, I remembered that I had my other bank card on me. no problem. I went back inside, ordered the food, and handed over the card. After one swipe, she handed it back to me explaining that it was expired. oops. That explains why the parking meter wouldn't read it at Pike's Place. I looked down. sure enough. dang. Thankfully, with Brent & Martha's help, I could scrap together enough cash for our delicious meal.

After dinner and a quick stop by my car to pick the card, we headed to a Christian/community coffeeshop where she works. It was delightful and reminded me of my best friend's coffeeshop. At "the Living Room", there was a very talented laidback guitarist/singer. We could have listened to him for hours...which I think we did. I even left with his cd.

At this coffeeshop, I was a bit of a rockstar. People kept coming up to us saying different things: "You're from Indiana?" "You're a comedian?" "You do look like that girl who smells her armpits (Molly Shannon in Superstar), I can see it." "Have you ever eaten at the Steak N Shake in Indianapolis?" or they would just sing the Beach Boy's "Kokomo" lyrics at us. It was a very funny, though slightly surreal experience. Apparently, Indiana is like India to these people.

When we finally left, we scampered off to do true Portland things. Thing 1: Visit Powell's Bookstore. Things 2: Eat at Voodoo Donuts. I got a Tango Mango. Kelly got a vegan oreo. And Catie got (please excuse the name) the Old Dirty Bastard. They were all delicious.

Now we at back at Brent and Martha's. Everyone else is asleep. I'm about to join them. Tomorrow were driving down the Oregon coast! beauty await!

--the nomad

PS> Sorry if I don't post tomorrow. We are camping in Redwood Forest! :)

1 comment:

  1. This was a very funny story to read. I feel like I am in the trunk of your car on this trip with you as I read along. It was very funny to read the typos and tell that you were very tired when you were typing. Keep on Truckin'.
